Generating, Analyzing, and Understanding Sensory and Sequencing Information

GAUSSI Summer Retreat 2018

GAUSSI Mountain Retreat, June 25 & 26, 2018

We are excited to host the GAUSSI Summer Retreat on June 25th & 26th at the CSU Mountain Campus. Directions to the location are found at, A Mountain Campus Map can be found at,, this will allow you to see where you may park. The majority of our activities will be held in the Hotchkiss Lodge.

All GAUSSI trainees are expected to participate in the Rapid Fire Presentation. The goal is for everyone to share their work in quick format (3-5 minutes). The audience should take away 2 or 3 points from your presentation.  Limit slides (if you must have them, they are not necessary) to no more than 3. Topic should be related to your research and is your choice. Questions are NOT facilitated after the presentations, we simply move onto the next. If you have questions about someone’s work, then the hope is you would speak with them at the retreat during a break/meal.

The GAUSSI Retreat Agenda is available here, including the schedule for Rapid Fire Presentations.

Please be sure to read the, Important Visitor Information handout, provided to us by the CSU Mountain Campus staff before your arrival.

Registration is closed.


  • Metagenomic Data Visualization: R Shiny and Other Resources – Steven Lakin – Presentation Slides
  • Genomics through a Machine Learning Lens – Professor Steve Simske –Presentation Slides