Generating, Analyzing, and Understanding Sensory and Sequencing Information



GAUSSI Summer Retreat, July 31 & August 1, 2019 at the CSU Mountain Campus. This event was be hosted by GAUSSI for trainees who are engaged in the GAUSSI program.

GAUSSI End of Year Retreat, will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at Tamasag Retreat Center, 4825 County Road 52E, Bellvue, CO.  Agenda of the day’s events.

GAUSSI Summer Retreat, June 25 & 26, 2018 at the CSU Mountain Campus. This event was be hosted by GAUSSI for trainees and faculty who are engaged in the GAUSSI program.

Third Annual Front Range Computational & Systems Biology Symposium, topics focused on Microbiome Hosted by GAUSSI and the National Science Foundation on June 12-13, 2017. The event included graduate and research associate poster presentations, Poster Awards Recipients were awarded cash prizes.

Second Annual Front Range Computational & Systems Biology Symposium, topics focused on Sensing and Sequencing Microbes. Hosted by GAUSSI on July 25-26, 2016. The event included graduate and undergraduate poster presentations, Poster Awards Recipients were awarded cash prizes.

Front Range Computational and Systems Biology 2015 Symposium, topics focused on computational and systems biology. The first annual symposium coordinated by GAUSSI faculty was hosted on July 21, 2015.

Related Events

Bioinformatics Club, weekly meeting on Wednesdays 5-6pm in 425 Computer Science Building.The club will introduce students to the tools and algorithms needed to process and analyze large Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. Meetings will involve a mix of invited speakers, informal lectures and help sessions.

ISTeC Distinguished Lecturers, are talks hosted at CSU suitable for a general audience interested in information science and technology.

q-bio Journal Club, weekly meetings are every Wednesday at 12pm in 36 Rockwell East. All are welcome. Journal articles related to quantitative or computational biology are discussed.

Data and Donuts, monthly seminars on data management topics, held in the CSU Morgan Library Computer labs.