Generating, Analyzing, and Understanding Sensory and Sequencing Information


Rachel Feeny
Rachel Feeny
Rachel is a graduate student in the Chemistry Ph. D. program working for Dr. Chuck Henry. Her research focuses on understanding how chemical gradients drive biological processes, such as cellular communication and cancer metastasis. The aim of her work is to develop a platform using a high-density electrode array and microfluidic devices to generate electrochemical images of biomarkers being released from live tissue slices with resolution in space and time.
Mark Heim
Mark Heim
Mark graduated from Colorado State University with a MS in Computer Science in Spring 2016. After finishing my bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics at CSU, Mark transitioned to a graduate program to begin working with Dr. Christina Boucher. He joined GAUSSI in his second year of graduate school and is modeling the genetics of endangered species for conservation biologists through the use of randomized simulations with parallel, distributed, and web-based computing technologies.
Stacy Willett
Stacy Willett
Stacy joined GAUSSI as a Master of Science student in the school of Biomedical Engineering at Colorado State University working as a research associate in Dr. Tobet’s lab. She is collaborating with the Departments of Chemistry and Electrical Engineering to better integrate CMOS microchip electrode electrochemistry and living tissue neurotransmitter chemical detection in murine adrenal slices.

Emily Hill
Eric Leventhal